Black Mold Hazard: Why You Should Immediately Get Rid of It

Black Mold Hazard: Why You Should Immediately Get Rid of It

The commonly used name of the black mold is “toxic mold” which is explained by released mycotoxin, which poisons tenants of affected premises. Center for Disease Control provides researches showing that toxogenic molds in rare cases can lead to such serious diseases as, for example, memory loss or pulmonary hemorrhage.

At the same time, common symptoms caused by the toxic black mold are wheezes, coughs, parching feelings in the eyes, throat, and skin. People suffering from allergies and asthma can expect much worse scenarios listed by

  • strong headaches;
  • chronic coughing;
  • fever;
  • chest colds;
  • sinusitis;
  • difficulties in breathing;
  • exhaustion;
  • allergic reactions.

The same strong effect black mold brings to people suffering from chronic diseases, like chronic obstructive pulmonary disorder, cystic fibrosis immunodeficiency disorders, or just temporary weakened immune system.

It’s highly important to make periodical inspections regarding mold existence in case someone from family members experiences weak immune.

Effects from Long Lasting Black Mold Exposure

It’s easy to found black mold if it is placed on open locations because of its specific color and smell. The problem comes when it grows in invisible areas, like cracks and crawlspace, inside walls and floors, at attics, and so on. As a result, tenants are affected by it and even don’t know what is wrong, experiencing unpleasant and serious symptoms. This is why it’s recommended to call your local restoration company periodically and ask for a mold inspection. If you live in Illinois call Signature Water and Fire Restoration and our team will make the best service any time you need.

Especially hurry up if you noticed your family members experience strong hair loss without any reason, permanent feelings of anxiety and confusion, numbness in feet or hands, memory loss, regular stomaches, sensitivity to light, muscle cramps, or weight gains. All of these are results of long-lasting mold exposure.

How to Identify Black Mold Existence

There’re common signs of black mold existence in your place which are worth to check if you or somebody from your family felt bad without obvious reason.


If you experience an earthy or musty smell the probability your place is affected with black mold is high. If you noticed such a smell at your home or office, contact Signature Water and Fire Restoration team for help with inspection and mold removal. Your health and health you the close people are worth of efforts!


Check the walls and ceilings for dark spots which can evidence an early stage of black mold growth. The existence of such spots can be just moisture, but excessive moisture always leads to mold and requires removal and drying.

Respiratory illnesses

Upper respiratory infections can be gained in different ways, but if they are supported with itching in the eyes and skin, parching, and sneezing, the probability you’ve been affected by black mold is for a long time is high. If therapy doesn’t help, tell it to the doctor, who can precisely identify whether you suffer from mold.

Saying “Goodbye” to Mold

Before deciding to fight mold without professional involvement, please remember it’s highly dangerous for health, and without modern heavy equipment there’s always a strong probability you’ll meet again.

Signature Water and Fire Restoration has not only the respective equipment and solutions but, what is a much more important experience, which allows us to say “goodbye” to mold forever and forget about this problem. Call us at +1-224-515-0100 and you’ll get all information you need.