How to Deep Clean Your Workplace?

How to Deep Clean Your Workplace?

Because of isolation restrictions caused by the coronavirus world pandemic many offices have been closed and stay empty for a long time. Happily, the situation seems to become better and we also have a few vaccines that are testing and hopefully will prove their efficiency. So now more and more employees have an opportunity to return to their offices.

But to make the process of employees returning to their workplaces need to be comfortable and safe. Because during the lockdown office was standing empty, desktops and items on them were gathering dust, toilets and kitchens were out of use, so after-lockdown offices’ conditions are far from comfortable and hygienic. That is why it is so important to perform a thorough cleaning.

Of course, the best solution in such a case is to hire a professional cleaning and decontamination company such as Signature Water and Fire Restoration and let its specialists do their job. But below you will be able to find some helpful tips that can help you to keep the office clean and safe before everyone goes back.

Important: these tips can help to keep the office safe and hygienic, but they are not guaranteeing that coronavirus completely stops spreading.

Helpful Cleaning Tips for Each Room


  • The main rule that can help your office to stay clean is the personal responsibility of each employee for his or her own working space. It means that employees should keep their desks, drawers, chairs, and other items and areas of their working place as clean or even cleaner than communal space. This simple rule helps to keep the whole office as clean as possible.
  • One more simple but really helpful rule is well-known: one mug per person. It helps to prevent the build-up of used tea and coffee mugs that gather bacteria.
  • It will be wise to stop sharing snacks and drink from the same mugs, at least until the situation will be back to normal.
  • Ensure that every employee is provided with sanitizer or wipes to encourage cleanness and reduction in contamination of hands by microbes.

Meeting Rooms

Since meeting rooms are communal spaces with a high-traffic and many frequently touched items, they should be given special attention. Here are a few rules that help you to keep them clean and safe:

  • Let your employees or office cleaners know what items are the most frequently touched to ask to clean each of them as often as possible. Such items include pointers, remote controls, chairs, tables, door handles, light switches, and so on;
  • Ask people to use sanitizers every time when they come in and out of the meeting rooms. The best will be to place sanitizer near entrances;
  • Try to minimize using meeting rooms to prevent the infection from spreading.


The office kitchen is the main shared area what means that it leads to the most danger of the infection spreading. There are so many frequently touched items, such as door handles, light switches, cabinets door handles, shared mugs, plates, and cutlery, coffee machines, teapots, and many others.

That is why you need to prepare and teach your employees a few safety rules:

  • Use sanitizer or wash hands with soap what is even better before and after you touch one of the frequently touch items. In such a way, you show respect to your personal health and the health of your colleagues;
  • Wash with soap or if you have an office cleaner put into the sink every mug, plate, and so on after use to prevent them using again by some of your colleagues;
  • Try to make a schedule of kitchen visiting and define the maximum number of people that can be in the kitchen at the same time.


The rules that apply to the office toilets are the same that they were before the pandemic:

  • Every employee should clean up all the spills and mess after using and this is absolutely required;
  • Everyone needs to wash their hands thoroughly with soap and sanitize all the surfaces that he or she used or touched.

You need to remember that even if you follow all of these tips, it does not mean that you do not need regular professional cleaning. For such a job you should find a company with proved successful experience in anti-virus cleanings, such as Signature Water and Fire Restoration. Our cleaning specialist is equipped with all of the necessary equipment and solutions to make your commercial or residential property clean and safe for all visitors. Call us to get more information. Here is our 24/7 phone number: 1-224-515-0100.